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My Story


By Threads & Pieces came to be from three core concepts - my love of leather, my love of working with my hands to create, and my search for the ‘perfect’ wallet. 

I fell in love with leather when I bought my first leather jacket. To me, that jacket was more than a leather jacket. It was a boost of energy, confidence, happiness, empowerment, and a shield of armor to protect me from negative feelings.

Since I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated by working with my hands and figuring out how things were made - taking things apart and putting them back together. Experimenting and creating something in an outside-the-box way of thinking.

Throughout my lifetime, I had owned several wallets that never seemed to last long. This led me on my quest to find the perfect wallet - one that fit my needs and would last me a lifetime. That’s when the idea ignited, “I should make my own wallet.” After doing all the research, I made my first leather wallet and it turned out horrible. I didn’t let that deter me. I invested myself everyday and constructed more ideas. After numerous attempts, I achieved the wallet you see today. 

Over the course of this journey, I learned how to fall in love with every step of the process. I had no clue it would lead me into designing an entire brand to showcase to the world. My interest now seems to be more enjoyable when I can share with others.

Looking back at that first attempt at a wallet, I realize how far I have come. This wallet taught me so much about myself, how to embrace and love the imperfections. It’s a reminder to be grateful for having the ability to manifest an idea into reality with my very own hands.

I use this wallet everyday and it's a part of who I am.

My name is Hakeem, I’m extremely grateful to live in this world where I can express and share my creativity. My imagination brought me here, and that’s where the beginning of the creating process started.

Thank you so much for your time and attention that I will always value!​

“Speaking with my heart through my hands”

-By Threads & Pieces

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By Threads & Pieces

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